Methods: univariate regression, permutations, linear mixed models.
\begin{align*} \text{marginal association} \quad & \neq \quad \text{causation} \\ Y {\; \not\!\perp\!\!\!\perp \;} X_j \quad & \qquad X_j \rightarrow Y \end{align*}Variants on same chromosome are not independent of each other (linkage disequilibrium, population structure, familial relatedness).
Partition the variables into (contiguous) groups.
\begin{align*} \underbrace{X_1, X_2, X_3}_{G_1},\underbrace{X_4, X_5}_{G_2}, \underbrace{X_6, X_7}_{G_3}, \underbrace{X_8, X_9, X_{10}}_{G_4} \end{align*}
Conditional hypotheses: \begin{align*} \mathcal{H}_{0,g} : Y {\; \perp\!\!\!\perp \;} X_g \mid X_{-g}. \end{align*}
Control the false discovery rate: the expected proportion of spurious discoveries.
Model-X framework: \begin{align*} (X^i,Y^i) \overset{}{\sim} P_{XY} = P_X \cdot P_{Y \mid X}, \qquad X^i \in \mathbb{R}^p, Y^i \in \mathbb{R}. \end{align*} Model $P_X$, make inferences about $P_{Y \mid X}$.
Knockoff are synthetic variables that "look like", but are not identical to, the genotypes.
Knockoffs preserve allele frequencies, linkage disequilibrium, and population structure.
Main strength of knockoffs: they can be used as negative control variables with any model, including complicated multivariate and machine learning models.
A toy genetic dataset containing 1000 artificial samples typed at 2000 loci (divided between chromosome 21 and 22) is available from the software repository.
Download the repository, enter the main directory, and compile the snpknock2 C++ program by typing in your terminal:
cd snpknock2
cd ..
After a successful compilation, you can execute the script
This will first verify whether the system dependencies and then carry out an entire association analysis.
This analysis consists of 4 main modules.
Partition the available SNPs into contiguous groups at different levels of resolution, based on the genetic distance information.
Compute knockoff test statistics for all groups of SNPs, separately for each specified genome partition.
Other recent works:
Searching for robust associations with a multi-environment knockoff filter. S. Li, M. Sesia, Y. Romano, E. Candès, C. Sabatti. Biometrika, 2021.
Searching for interactions. Individualized conditional independence testing under model-X with heterogeneous samples and interactions. M. Sesia, T. Sun. (2022, Under review)